Thursday, January 7, 2010

Parker's 6 month check-up

We had Parker's 6 month doctors appointment yesterday morning. Minus the SHOTS .... everything went FANTASTIC! The Good news is ..... NO helmet for the buggy!! THANK GOD! For those of you that may not know, the doctors said that Parker's head was a little flat in the back. They said with babies sleeping on their backs now days, this is totally normal. To fix it, they make the child wear a helmet (football like helmet) 23 hours a day. TORTURE in my opinion. I couldn't imagine making buggy wear that silly thing all day. I wanted to do what's best though. They told us that at this appointment is when they would make the final decision. I was so happy when they told us everything looked great! Maybe from all his rolling around, it had taken shape more! His measurements we great ... Length 27", Head 18 6.8", and the big weight .... 20.4lbs!!!! In the 75-90%. BIG BOY! YES, the doctor said he's going to be a big boy but only because of his daddy .... not me feeding him too much! He had to get 5 shots, including his H1N1 shot. I stood behind daddy because like everyone knows, I am not good with shots or watching my buggy go through them. Once he got his bottle, he was fine. Passed out in the car and everything was back to normal! Everything was good ... rolling over like a crazy man, trying to sit up on his own, holding his own bottle, and working on talking and breaking in those teeth! Until next time .... 9 months here we come! Yay for no helmet!!!
-Yours Truly,
Mamma of a 6 month old :)

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