Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas ... Mexico here we come!

After tons of stress the past couple of days ... I think it all paid off! We were still doing last minute touches up to our first guest arriving. If anyone knows me, they know that I am a perfectionist when it comes to crafty things. I think our table ended up looking BEAUTIFUL! Thank God for my sister inlaw for helping, couldn't have done it without her! It's hard playing Martha Stewart with a baby on your hip. I wonder if Martha could get it all done, baby and all?? Hmmm ... well, John and I both woke up super early with Parker to wish him a Merry Christmas and sang him the "hot dog" song from the Mickey Mouse clubhouse show. YESSSSS.... dance and all! He opened his presents and LOVED ... well, LOVED the paper! Our guest arrived and I think were very impressed with the set-up. The food was great and the wine was flowing! I absolutely love both sides of our family ... it's so amazing to me how two seperate families could get along so well like they have honestly known eachother for 10 years. I love it and wouldn't change it for anything. We have the BEST families ever. After dinner, drink, presents, and dessert ... the crowd headed home and I knew it was time for buggy to leave me. Mom is keeping him until next Sunday while we are in Mexico. I know he is in great hands, but I miss him so much already. I woke up crying this morning and basically broke down when they left with him. I am still sad laying in bed right now looking at all his little toys in our bedroom. I can't help it, he's my life. Good news is we are finally packed ... well, I am. John is packing as I am typing. Talk about waiting until the last minute ... yep, that's us! Hopefully I got everything, and hopefully I get some sleep on this trip. We will be meeting our friends down there this weekend! Should be a great time! Will take tons of pics ....
To my buggy boo: I LOVE LOVE LOVE you so much. I will miss you more than you know. PLEASE sleep well for Nana, and don't even think about sitting up on your own until we get back!!! Ohhhh ... and please don't do anything super cute while I am gone. I cannot stand the thought of missing out on it. We love you buggy and teach Nana your "hot dog" dance so she can do it with you!!!!!! Miss u and love u :)

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