Tuesday, December 22, 2009


So I feel like this week has been WAY too stressful ... and it's only TUESDAY!! Ahhhh! We are having Christmas at our house with both families. John and I both LOVE to entertain, but with us leaving the morning after Christmas for Mexico, I didn't realize how stressed I would be. I've been doing the Christmas shopping for everyone, because God knows my husband will NOT go near the mall this time of year, I've been working very hard on getting dinner planned for Christmas night, cleaning the house ... slowly, packing for buggy to spend the week at Nana's and still have NO idea when to pack for our trip! Ohh and did I mention that I have to pack my husband also, because he says "I don't fold as well as you" hmmmm ... sounds like an excuse to me! YA, sooo.... I have had a migrain the past two days from all this stress. THANK GOD I can just relax on this trip. Although it stresses me out thinking about leaving buggy behind, I think a little time alone may be the cure! I hope. Anyways, I had to vent, but I hope everyone has a good NON-STRESSFUL rest of the week. Hopefully, I will have time to blog before Christmas.
-Yours Truly
About to loose it Momma

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