Sunday, January 17, 2010


Ok, so I finally picked up my Beaba Baby Food Maker at Willams-sonoma this past week! I was so excited to start using it. I have been wanting to make my own baby food since buggy was born. I have read things about it and how much better it is for them to have homemade, fresh baby food. Not only, is it good for buggy, but also a new fun project for me to try! Since Parker is now 6 months, he his allowed to eat baby foods. We started him around 5 months because he seemed to want more than just a bottle. We are still deciding what we like best ... I think he's more of a sweet potato kind of guy! After I bought my machine, I went straight to the grocery to buy all the foods! The best thing about this is that it comes with a freezing tray to pour the food in and keep in the freezer up to 3 months. I have made brown rice mixed with apples, sweet potatoes, sweet peas, and carrots so far. I love making his food .... let's just hope he likes it!
I attached some pictures of Parker trying ice cream .... this was not my idea! I caught John doing it! Parker couldn't get enough. Poor buggy wanted more and mommy wouldn't let him. Hopefully he will act like that with his new food prepared just by mommy with love!!! Fingers crossed!

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