Wednesday, January 27, 2010


HELLO everyone .... so sorry I have been MIA (missing in action). We have had a LONG weekend and beginning of the week. Parker got really sick over the weekend which put us in the doctors office for the first time for a sickness. The doctor said he had a bad case of CROUP COUGH. YUCK!! I had never heard about this, but my mom told me all about it. Poor buggy was not feeling so good ... at all. He had to get two steroid shots in his legs to get things going. He was sent home with a prescription and a dosage of Benadryl. Do to doctors orders ... Parker had to sleep elevated so that he could breathe better. So, he got to sleep in our "adjustable" bed like a king! I took a picture of buggy sleeping in our bed!!!
Good news is .... he is slowly getting better. Thank God! It have been a very long couple of days dealing with a sick baby.

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