Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas ... Mexico here we come!

After tons of stress the past couple of days ... I think it all paid off! We were still doing last minute touches up to our first guest arriving. If anyone knows me, they know that I am a perfectionist when it comes to crafty things. I think our table ended up looking BEAUTIFUL! Thank God for my sister inlaw for helping, couldn't have done it without her! It's hard playing Martha Stewart with a baby on your hip. I wonder if Martha could get it all done, baby and all?? Hmmm ... well, John and I both woke up super early with Parker to wish him a Merry Christmas and sang him the "hot dog" song from the Mickey Mouse clubhouse show. YESSSSS.... dance and all! He opened his presents and LOVED ... well, LOVED the paper! Our guest arrived and I think were very impressed with the set-up. The food was great and the wine was flowing! I absolutely love both sides of our family ... it's so amazing to me how two seperate families could get along so well like they have honestly known eachother for 10 years. I love it and wouldn't change it for anything. We have the BEST families ever. After dinner, drink, presents, and dessert ... the crowd headed home and I knew it was time for buggy to leave me. Mom is keeping him until next Sunday while we are in Mexico. I know he is in great hands, but I miss him so much already. I woke up crying this morning and basically broke down when they left with him. I am still sad laying in bed right now looking at all his little toys in our bedroom. I can't help it, he's my life. Good news is we are finally packed ... well, I am. John is packing as I am typing. Talk about waiting until the last minute ... yep, that's us! Hopefully I got everything, and hopefully I get some sleep on this trip. We will be meeting our friends down there this weekend! Should be a great time! Will take tons of pics ....
To my buggy boo: I LOVE LOVE LOVE you so much. I will miss you more than you know. PLEASE sleep well for Nana, and don't even think about sitting up on your own until we get back!!! Ohhhh ... and please don't do anything super cute while I am gone. I cannot stand the thought of missing out on it. We love you buggy and teach Nana your "hot dog" dance so she can do it with you!!!!!! Miss u and love u :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


So I feel like this week has been WAY too stressful ... and it's only TUESDAY!! Ahhhh! We are having Christmas at our house with both families. John and I both LOVE to entertain, but with us leaving the morning after Christmas for Mexico, I didn't realize how stressed I would be. I've been doing the Christmas shopping for everyone, because God knows my husband will NOT go near the mall this time of year, I've been working very hard on getting dinner planned for Christmas night, cleaning the house ... slowly, packing for buggy to spend the week at Nana's and still have NO idea when to pack for our trip! Ohh and did I mention that I have to pack my husband also, because he says "I don't fold as well as you" hmmmm ... sounds like an excuse to me! YA, sooo.... I have had a migrain the past two days from all this stress. THANK GOD I can just relax on this trip. Although it stresses me out thinking about leaving buggy behind, I think a little time alone may be the cure! I hope. Anyways, I had to vent, but I hope everyone has a good NON-STRESSFUL rest of the week. Hopefully, I will have time to blog before Christmas.
-Yours Truly
About to loose it Momma

Thursday, December 17, 2009

BLONDE hair, BLUE eyes

Drop dead GORGEOUS!! If our son looks this good I can't wait to see what our daughter will look like!!!

SLEEP update ...

As most of you may know, our son decided he didn't want to sleep for about a good week. WELL .... we are now proud to say that we are proud parents of a "sleeping through the night" baby boy!!! YAY! Finally! I felt like a walking zombie for awhile and thought this may last forever. I think Parker was going through a little phase. He has started rolling ALL the way over now. As soon as he is done with his night time feeding, he lays in his crib and rolls right over to his belly. He likes mommy to pat his bottom for a bit ... but minutes later he is snoozing away! THANK GOD!! He now sleeps 9pm-8am. I feel refreshed and like a whole new woman!!!! Keep your fingers crossed it last :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Looking back .... 1 year

Tonight, I was laying in bed and thinking about last year at this time. I remember that we had taken these photos of me and my growing belly at Christmas time. So funny to look back and see the blue and pink stockings we bought because we didn't know what we were having yet. I still remember it like it was yesterday and it makes me so sad. John and I were so excited and it all became so real once my belly started to grow! I can remember saying "oh my gosh, we will have a 6 month old next Christmas" .... boy the time has flown by. I cannot wait to spend Chirstmas with Parker :)

In the HOT seat!

Since Parker has been eating baby food for a few weeks and is getting BIGGER by the day, we thought it was time for his "big boy" high chair! Perfect timing with Christmas around the corner... now he can eat at the table with all of us! He wasn't too happy being strapped in at first, but he finally got used to it. I love his new chair because it gives him a place to sit up high and watch mommy do things around the house. He's just getting so BIG so fast!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Let it SNOW .. let it SNOW


could we

be so


Today was Parker's first sight of snow. Although it was just a light dust, it was still really neat to show him this morning. I look forward to all the years of playing in the snow with my two boys!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Feeling ohh so THANKFUL

This year, Thanksgiving was one to be VERY thankful for. John and I have been so THANKFUL for our families, friends, health and most of all our baby boy. This year has been so wonderful and every day we are truly blessed that God has given us this great life.

To my husband: I am so greatful to have you in my life. I thank God everyday for bringing us together and giving us a beautiful baby boy. I am THANKFUL for your support, your patience, and your loving heart.

To my baby boy: I am most of all THANKFUL for you. You have changed my life and my outlook on life for the better. You have brought so much happiness and love into my life. I am THANKFUL for your smiles, your giggles, and your sweet sweet baby face!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Live, love, and LAUGH!

He is what get's us going in the morning ... who couldn't smile after this? :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

CUTE as a button ....

or a skull and crossbones!!!!

I'm thinking modeling is in the near future!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

School update

Here is Parker on the way to school this morning. Ya ... not loving his hat, AT ALL, but sure does look cute in it! Parker seems to be doing really well at school. I am so glad I found this church ... the people there are amazing and most of all, LOVE Parker. I attended a mass there this past week and loved it! Good thing is they have child care so John and I both can go. All the teachers fight over Parker because they say he is so easy and so sweet! Good thing ... that's my boy! But so far, school is working out great and Parker is getting to interact with other babies. I have also been taking him to the gym with me where he gets to play in the play room while I work out. I feel more confident in trusting people to handle him. Everyone laughs at how huge he is and still can't believe he came out of me .... until they see Johnny, THEN it all makes perfect sense :)
-Yours Truly,
Proud Momma of a Stunning little man!

Monday, November 16, 2009

5 months old and such a LOVER

Parker has reached his "5 month" mark. 20 weeks .... wow, how the time has gone by! Parker is growing like a weed, it seems like he went from wearing preemies to 9 months. YES, he wears 9 months already! I have a feeling that we may have to special order his clothes soon, like his daddy! Ohhh Lord, he's going to be bigger than me pretty soon. Parker now weighs 17lbs. We had to make a trip to the doctor the past week for a cold. He was not feeling well but seems to be getting better each day. We have been practicing our rolling over, and he's finally getting the hang of it. Parker and I are starting our Gymboree class and swimming this week. I am excited because this gives us more to do and a chance to meet other mommy's and babies! He still goes to Mother's Day Out on Monday and Wednesdays for a bit. The teachers all call him their "boyfriend", they say he's the happiest baby and such a flirt. I use the time away from him to get things done around the house, go to the gym, or even get my nails done. "MOMMY TIME" is what I like to call it! Anyways .... everything is great in the Otter house and we are looking forward to spending the holidays as a family :)

Watch Parker ROLL OVER

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sweet Peas ... YUM YUM!

Parker LOVES sweet peas!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sweet Potatoes ... OH MY!!!

Our big boy tried sweet potatoes tonight! We were so excited to try it, but he wasn't so much! YA, he didn't like it at first as you can see in the pics, but after the tears cleared up, our big boy enjoyed his sweet potatoes! We are starting to feed him foods like sweet potatoes, peas, squash, and carrots for his night time feeding and then cereal for his morning feeding. We will continue to still do formula during the day. This way buggy can start trying new things and we can figure out what he likes best!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

TEETHING .... already?!?

As you may have noticed from recent post over the past month, our little man cannot get enough of his THUMBS! He is constantly putting things in his mouth to soothe the pain. YES, we have figured out that he is already showing signs of teething, Seems pretty early, I know! But we can feel those baby teeth breaking in. Poor little guy! Parker still does not take a pacifier .... I think he is the ONLY baby in the world that doesn't, so he tries to keep a cold teething ring on those gums. So this is why he has been extra fussy lately! Hopefully we can all get through this ok ..... cold teething rings and baby orajel may be our new best friends!