Monday, November 16, 2009

5 months old and such a LOVER

Parker has reached his "5 month" mark. 20 weeks .... wow, how the time has gone by! Parker is growing like a weed, it seems like he went from wearing preemies to 9 months. YES, he wears 9 months already! I have a feeling that we may have to special order his clothes soon, like his daddy! Ohhh Lord, he's going to be bigger than me pretty soon. Parker now weighs 17lbs. We had to make a trip to the doctor the past week for a cold. He was not feeling well but seems to be getting better each day. We have been practicing our rolling over, and he's finally getting the hang of it. Parker and I are starting our Gymboree class and swimming this week. I am excited because this gives us more to do and a chance to meet other mommy's and babies! He still goes to Mother's Day Out on Monday and Wednesdays for a bit. The teachers all call him their "boyfriend", they say he's the happiest baby and such a flirt. I use the time away from him to get things done around the house, go to the gym, or even get my nails done. "MOMMY TIME" is what I like to call it! Anyways .... everything is great in the Otter house and we are looking forward to spending the holidays as a family :)

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