Sunday, January 31, 2010

"My TWO front teeth"

It's official ... Parker has two teeth coming in. We just noticed them yesterday, and he's not to fond of showing them off quite yet. As soon as we can get a picture, I will post it!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


HELLO everyone .... so sorry I have been MIA (missing in action). We have had a LONG weekend and beginning of the week. Parker got really sick over the weekend which put us in the doctors office for the first time for a sickness. The doctor said he had a bad case of CROUP COUGH. YUCK!! I had never heard about this, but my mom told me all about it. Poor buggy was not feeling so good ... at all. He had to get two steroid shots in his legs to get things going. He was sent home with a prescription and a dosage of Benadryl. Do to doctors orders ... Parker had to sleep elevated so that he could breathe better. So, he got to sleep in our "adjustable" bed like a king! I took a picture of buggy sleeping in our bed!!!
Good news is .... he is slowly getting better. Thank God! It have been a very long couple of days dealing with a sick baby.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Grandma came to visit!!!

Last week we had a very special visitor come stay with us for the week! John's mom, Karen drove up from Florida to finally meet Parker for the first time! It was like he had known her for months. He smiled SO big when he heard her voice! Karen was such a BIG help with Parker and around the house. I told her we need her to move up here for good! Parker would LOVE it! Not only did he get to hang out with grandma all week, but he also hung out with his favorite cousins, Logan and Spencer! He could hang out with the boys all day! Sad to say goodbye to Karen, but already looking forward to the next visit. We miss her already! We LOVE you grandma!!!!!

Grandpa's Birthday

This is a picture from Grandpa's birthday dinner at the wonderful and YUMMY Morton's Steakhouse! Happy Birthday :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Monday!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Ok, so I finally picked up my Beaba Baby Food Maker at Willams-sonoma this past week! I was so excited to start using it. I have been wanting to make my own baby food since buggy was born. I have read things about it and how much better it is for them to have homemade, fresh baby food. Not only, is it good for buggy, but also a new fun project for me to try! Since Parker is now 6 months, he his allowed to eat baby foods. We started him around 5 months because he seemed to want more than just a bottle. We are still deciding what we like best ... I think he's more of a sweet potato kind of guy! After I bought my machine, I went straight to the grocery to buy all the foods! The best thing about this is that it comes with a freezing tray to pour the food in and keep in the freezer up to 3 months. I have made brown rice mixed with apples, sweet potatoes, sweet peas, and carrots so far. I love making his food .... let's just hope he likes it!
I attached some pictures of Parker trying ice cream .... this was not my idea! I caught John doing it! Parker couldn't get enough. Poor buggy wanted more and mommy wouldn't let him. Hopefully he will act like that with his new food prepared just by mommy with love!!! Fingers crossed!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Parker's 6 month check-up

We had Parker's 6 month doctors appointment yesterday morning. Minus the SHOTS .... everything went FANTASTIC! The Good news is ..... NO helmet for the buggy!! THANK GOD! For those of you that may not know, the doctors said that Parker's head was a little flat in the back. They said with babies sleeping on their backs now days, this is totally normal. To fix it, they make the child wear a helmet (football like helmet) 23 hours a day. TORTURE in my opinion. I couldn't imagine making buggy wear that silly thing all day. I wanted to do what's best though. They told us that at this appointment is when they would make the final decision. I was so happy when they told us everything looked great! Maybe from all his rolling around, it had taken shape more! His measurements we great ... Length 27", Head 18 6.8", and the big weight .... 20.4lbs!!!! In the 75-90%. BIG BOY! YES, the doctor said he's going to be a big boy but only because of his daddy .... not me feeding him too much! He had to get 5 shots, including his H1N1 shot. I stood behind daddy because like everyone knows, I am not good with shots or watching my buggy go through them. Once he got his bottle, he was fine. Passed out in the car and everything was back to normal! Everything was good ... rolling over like a crazy man, trying to sit up on his own, holding his own bottle, and working on talking and breaking in those teeth! Until next time .... 9 months here we come! Yay for no helmet!!!
-Yours Truly,
Mamma of a 6 month old :)