Sunday, September 20, 2009

12 weeks old

Hello my fellow blog watchers!! So sorry for not "updating" lately. John and I have been VERY busy lately looking for houses, showing our house, and hanging out with Parker! I am coaching a cheerleading team on Monday nights and attend the games on Sundays, SO ... I have been slacking to say the least!
Let's see ..... Parker is 12 weeks TODAY! I still can't get over how much he grows and changes everyday! It's amazing. He is still the BEST baby ever. Doesn't cry much, always happy, smiling, and laughing. He is truly PERFECT and BEAUTIFUL! We finally received our "My baby can read" DVD's in the mail. I tell Parker he's "going to school", pop the dvd in and his eyes are glued! Seriously, no joke. It's perfect for when I need to get ready for the day ... he loves it! He watches it twice a day. I am already finding myself repeating the words. It's hard when you watch it every day! So ... I'm hoping this works and maybe we will have our own little Harvard grad on our hands!!! We started giving Parker his bath at 8pm now, followed by his night time bottle and a good rock to sleep. This way, he's in bed early and mommy and daddy have time to hang out alone and watch our shows. He is now sleeping 6-8 hours a night! AMAZING!!! Seems to be working. Other than that, everything is going well and Parker is perfect. Ohhhh, did I mention, he is now wearing 2's in diapers! He's getting sooo big! People laugh when they see me holding him because he looks bigger than me!!!

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