Monday, September 7, 2009

10 week update ... and already a thumb sucker!!!

Parker is now 10 weeks old. Seriously, time is FLYING by! Let's see .... well, he's sleeping much better now. Only gets up maybe twice a night. Shhhewww, THANK GOD! He's growing so fast and getting so TALL (I wonder why?!?), he's already wearing 3-6 month clothes! He is now smiling and laughing all day long. He's the happiest baby i've ever seen. He has a laid back personalty like his mommy and daddy. He likes to just sit, laugh, and look around! His eyes are still BRIGHT blue and I'm thinking they are going to stay that way .... BEAUTIFUL!! His hair is still growing, looks like he might be a blonde. He is one GOOD LOOKING kid I have to say so myself! I told John that since we make such beautiful baby's, we should have 10!! We ordered "My Baby can read", YESSSSS .... I am a believer! I swear it's crazy these babies are reading at such a young age. We want to start him early! He loves books, and colors.
We are working on getting him in his crib at night. I still have nightmares that he may roll over, so it's hard. I just like him sleeping in his pack-n-play in our room so I can keep my eye on him. At this rate, he may be sleeping with us when he's 20! Overall, he is an AMAZING baby, I can sit and watch him all day long. He is smart, funny, and so dang cute ... and most of all, he's ours :)

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