Wednesday, September 30, 2009

13 weeks and getting SO BIG!

Here is my little love bug at 13 weeks old. He is growing so fast and still getting so big (like his daddy)! Parker is now talking so much although we don't know what he's saying, it's still so stinkin' cute! When I sing to him, he makes noises and sings along. Too funny! We have videos of it. I will download some on here this week. Parker loves chewing on his hands, still not taking a pacifier though (which is not so much a bad thing). He's starting the drooling thing now .... Gross. Which means I am changing him more and more. But he's AMAZING and doing so well. I love him more and more each day :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Be FEARFUL of the FLU!!

Ok mommies, time to break out the hand-sanitizer and lysol. It's going to be a NASTY flu season! I've got each diaper bag loaded with purrell, and the house sprayed down with lysol. This is scary, and I usually don't worry about things like this, but I'm not worrying about me anymore, I have buggy to protect. Let's just say, we are doing more activites at home instead of being in large crowds of people. Call me crazy, but I would feel awful and guilty if Parker got this thing. John and I are both getting our flu shots this week. We can't afford for either of us to have it ... we NEED eachother to help with Parker.
One thing that's got us worried is the swine flu shot. YES, I know they say that children under 6 months should be vaccinated for H1N1, and people that are around children also be vaccinated. But it's scary. Seems to me that this could be a "thrown together" vaccine. I'm sure it's safe and probably nothing to worry about, but you may never know! I have had terrible dreams about it and YES I have had a dream that my son turned into a pig!!! WERID, I know. One thing is for sure, we will continue to wash our hands non-stop and try to avoid this thing as much as possible! GOOD LUCK everyone :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wedding Wednesday

I felt like today everywhere I looked was wedding stuff. Made me think about our wedding and how special these pictures are of baby Parker in my belly. I had to post some pics!

Look familiar???

That's my boy!!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


12 weeks old

Hello my fellow blog watchers!! So sorry for not "updating" lately. John and I have been VERY busy lately looking for houses, showing our house, and hanging out with Parker! I am coaching a cheerleading team on Monday nights and attend the games on Sundays, SO ... I have been slacking to say the least!
Let's see ..... Parker is 12 weeks TODAY! I still can't get over how much he grows and changes everyday! It's amazing. He is still the BEST baby ever. Doesn't cry much, always happy, smiling, and laughing. He is truly PERFECT and BEAUTIFUL! We finally received our "My baby can read" DVD's in the mail. I tell Parker he's "going to school", pop the dvd in and his eyes are glued! Seriously, no joke. It's perfect for when I need to get ready for the day ... he loves it! He watches it twice a day. I am already finding myself repeating the words. It's hard when you watch it every day! So ... I'm hoping this works and maybe we will have our own little Harvard grad on our hands!!! We started giving Parker his bath at 8pm now, followed by his night time bottle and a good rock to sleep. This way, he's in bed early and mommy and daddy have time to hang out alone and watch our shows. He is now sleeping 6-8 hours a night! AMAZING!!! Seems to be working. Other than that, everything is going well and Parker is perfect. Ohhhh, did I mention, he is now wearing 2's in diapers! He's getting sooo big! People laugh when they see me holding him because he looks bigger than me!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Silly sleeper

Yessss, it's TRUE! I found Parker sleeping away like THIS! It's hard not to laugh :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

10 week update ... and already a thumb sucker!!!

Parker is now 10 weeks old. Seriously, time is FLYING by! Let's see .... well, he's sleeping much better now. Only gets up maybe twice a night. Shhhewww, THANK GOD! He's growing so fast and getting so TALL (I wonder why?!?), he's already wearing 3-6 month clothes! He is now smiling and laughing all day long. He's the happiest baby i've ever seen. He has a laid back personalty like his mommy and daddy. He likes to just sit, laugh, and look around! His eyes are still BRIGHT blue and I'm thinking they are going to stay that way .... BEAUTIFUL!! His hair is still growing, looks like he might be a blonde. He is one GOOD LOOKING kid I have to say so myself! I told John that since we make such beautiful baby's, we should have 10!! We ordered "My Baby can read", YESSSSS .... I am a believer! I swear it's crazy these babies are reading at such a young age. We want to start him early! He loves books, and colors.
We are working on getting him in his crib at night. I still have nightmares that he may roll over, so it's hard. I just like him sleeping in his pack-n-play in our room so I can keep my eye on him. At this rate, he may be sleeping with us when he's 20! Overall, he is an AMAZING baby, I can sit and watch him all day long. He is smart, funny, and so dang cute ... and most of all, he's ours :)

Our sleeping babies :)

I caught this picture during nap time in our bedroom .... I think it's soooo sweet :)

Gameday Saturday ... GO CATS!!!

You know my son will be a UK fan since mommy cheered for them in college and since daddy played football in college! Gotta love the BLUE! You know when we have a little girl, she will have her UK cheerleading uniform and pom poms!

Friday, September 4, 2009

FUN Friday!

Apparently ALL dogs love Parker .... he's meant to be a dog lover like his mommy and daddy!! The first picture is of Parker and Jamie's dog, Brody taking a little nap together! Soooo sweet! At least we know Parker will be protected by his big sis Bella and cousin Brody!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

PICTURE Thursday