Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Live, love, and LAUGH!

He is what get's us going in the morning ... who couldn't smile after this? :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

CUTE as a button ....

or a skull and crossbones!!!!

I'm thinking modeling is in the near future!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

School update

Here is Parker on the way to school this morning. Ya ... not loving his hat, AT ALL, but sure does look cute in it! Parker seems to be doing really well at school. I am so glad I found this church ... the people there are amazing and most of all, LOVE Parker. I attended a mass there this past week and loved it! Good thing is they have child care so John and I both can go. All the teachers fight over Parker because they say he is so easy and so sweet! Good thing ... that's my boy! But so far, school is working out great and Parker is getting to interact with other babies. I have also been taking him to the gym with me where he gets to play in the play room while I work out. I feel more confident in trusting people to handle him. Everyone laughs at how huge he is and still can't believe he came out of me .... until they see Johnny, THEN it all makes perfect sense :)
-Yours Truly,
Proud Momma of a Stunning little man!

Monday, November 16, 2009

5 months old and such a LOVER

Parker has reached his "5 month" mark. 20 weeks .... wow, how the time has gone by! Parker is growing like a weed, it seems like he went from wearing preemies to 9 months. YES, he wears 9 months already! I have a feeling that we may have to special order his clothes soon, like his daddy! Ohhh Lord, he's going to be bigger than me pretty soon. Parker now weighs 17lbs. We had to make a trip to the doctor the past week for a cold. He was not feeling well but seems to be getting better each day. We have been practicing our rolling over, and he's finally getting the hang of it. Parker and I are starting our Gymboree class and swimming this week. I am excited because this gives us more to do and a chance to meet other mommy's and babies! He still goes to Mother's Day Out on Monday and Wednesdays for a bit. The teachers all call him their "boyfriend", they say he's the happiest baby and such a flirt. I use the time away from him to get things done around the house, go to the gym, or even get my nails done. "MOMMY TIME" is what I like to call it! Anyways .... everything is great in the Otter house and we are looking forward to spending the holidays as a family :)

Watch Parker ROLL OVER

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sweet Peas ... YUM YUM!

Parker LOVES sweet peas!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sweet Potatoes ... OH MY!!!

Our big boy tried sweet potatoes tonight! We were so excited to try it, but he wasn't so much! YA, he didn't like it at first as you can see in the pics, but after the tears cleared up, our big boy enjoyed his sweet potatoes! We are starting to feed him foods like sweet potatoes, peas, squash, and carrots for his night time feeding and then cereal for his morning feeding. We will continue to still do formula during the day. This way buggy can start trying new things and we can figure out what he likes best!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

TEETHING .... already?!?

As you may have noticed from recent post over the past month, our little man cannot get enough of his THUMBS! He is constantly putting things in his mouth to soothe the pain. YES, we have figured out that he is already showing signs of teething, Seems pretty early, I know! But we can feel those baby teeth breaking in. Poor little guy! Parker still does not take a pacifier .... I think he is the ONLY baby in the world that doesn't, so he tries to keep a cold teething ring on those gums. So this is why he has been extra fussy lately! Hopefully we can all get through this ok ..... cold teething rings and baby orajel may be our new best friends!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sand, sunshine, and FAMILY!

Our trip to Florida was a success! Parker did very good traveling ... slept most of the way. We had lots of fun on the farm with aunt Alison! Parker LOVED Alison's horse, Lionus. After the weekend on the farm, we headed to the BEACH!! Ahhhh ... a MUCH needed vacation! A little R&R for mommy and daddy, while Parker got to bond with his grandparents and aunt Alison. Parker LOVED the pool. He never wanted to get out! The weather was absolutely beautiful and we were sad to leave the sand. It's back to reality until next month .... Playa here we come!!!!