Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sneak peek at the BIG 1 photoshoot ...


These past couple of months we have been BUSY BUSY! Now that Parker is EVERYWHERE, it's hard to get time to sit down and write! Let's see .... Parker is almost the BIG 1. He is crawling, standing, and trying to walk on his own. He is eating so much more now. He now gets to eat what we have for dinner (smaller pieces of course)! We are looking forward to giving him milk instead of his formula.
We have been dealing with lots of ear infections which comes along with the whole "daycare" thing. Unfortunantley, they seem to not get any better. We are scheduled for TUBES this coming Friday morning. Hopefully this works!
Parker has been going swimming at Grandpa and Nans house on the weekends. He LOVES the pool. We have taken him on the boat a few times and seems to really enjoy riding. We are busy planning his 1st Birthday ... I cannot wait!