Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy DERBY week!

Getting into EVERYTHING!

Parker has finally mastered the crawling thing now and he is into EVERYTHING!! He will be in the family one minute and the next, he's in the kithen! It's time to pull out all the baby safety things .... this kid is MOBILE!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sorry for the delay

I know I haven't been updating lately only because we have been SO busy with the remodel. I promise once things settle down, I will be back to normal! We have lots of pics to post :)

Parker's 9 month check up

Today was Parker's 9 month check up. Holy fat kid ... he is now officially OFF the charts with his weight, height, and head circumference! The doctor said he was fine, just a very BIG BOY! He is now allowed to eat what mommy and daddy eat for dinner, as long as it's mashed up. He had only 1 shot which he did really well, only cried for a second. We are scheduling an appointment with an ophthalmologist about Parker's left eye. Since he was born with blocked tear ducts, it seems like one is still runny. Hopefully they can fix the problem so we don't have to keep wiping his poor eye. He is now crawling everywhere and talking like crazy! Loves to say "mum" and "mommy" and LOVES to yell "dadda"! We think that "bah bah" is Bella. Everytime he sees a dog he yells "bah bah". So cute! He has 4 teeth now and lots of hair!